Slides, notes and miscellany
Lecture notes
- On the distinction of Harish-Chandra modules and its Ext-analogues: July 2020, notes for my talk in the RTAG seminar of Weizmann Institute. Obsolete.
- Notes on the finiteness theorem of Faltings for abelian varieties: November 2018, informal notes for my talk in the seminar on Mordell conjecture held at BICMR.
- Basic representation theory: Summer 2017, lecture notes for a mini-course at UCAS. Draft version, full of mistakes.
- Langlands program: review and outlook: February 2015, a talk given at the Taida Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
- 从 Galois 理论谈起: December 2014, based on a talk given to the students of Taishan College, Shandong University, Jinan.
- Yanqi Lake Lectures on Algebra Part 1 Part 3 : Notes for a graduate course on algebra, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yanqi Lake campus. The source codes of Part 3 are available on GitHub and Gitee.
- 素数定理另证: May 2012, Southwestern Jiaotong University, Emei campus.
- On a lifting of Ikeda-Yamana: August 2024, online talk at the Conference on Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry, Sustech.
- On the Takeda-Wood isomorphism for Hecke algebras and an intertwining relation: June 2023, Nankai University. Also in the Number Theory Days, HKU.
- Localization and higher branching laws for Harish-Chandra modules: July 2022, Workshop "Representations and Characters: Revisiting the Works of Harish-Chandra and André Weil", NUS. Also in the MSATG Workshop, HUST
- Full stable trace formula for \(\widetilde{\mathrm{Sp}}(2n)\) : May 2021, Zhejiang University and CIRM; October 2021, NUS.
- Stable trace formula for metaplectic groups: August 6, 2020; The 8th Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics (via Zoom).
- New zeta integrals associated with real prehomogeneous vector spaces: July 23, 2019; The first JNT Biennial. July 26 2019; The Nisyros Conference.
- 何谓 abc 猜想? December 24, 2018; Guangxi University, Nanning. January 22, 2019; Northeast Normal University, Changchun.
- 教学实践:经验、反思与构想: June 2018, NUIST, Nanjing.
- Contragredient representations over function fields: December 2017, ICCM Annual Meeting, Guangzhou.
- Langlands 纲领的近期进展: September 2017, the Institute Lecture at AMSS-CAS, Beijing; November 2017, HIT, Harbin. Slides Text version published on 《数学所讲座 2017》, Science Publishing (2022), ISBN: 9787030723802.
- Survey of basic functions: August 2017, Conference on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics, Hạ Long.
- 论某类准齐性向量空间上的 ζ 积分: September 2016, CMS Annual Meeting, Hohhot.
- Remarks on the Gan-Ichino multiplicity formula: April 2016, Simons Symposium "Geometric Aspects of The Trace Formula", Krün.
- On certain zeta integrals: July 2015, Workshop on Automorphic Forms, Geometry and Representation Theory, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou.
- 数学写作漫谈: October 2014, UCAS. Slides Text version Published in Mathematical Culture (Chinese) Volume 6, No. 4, November 2015.
- Godement-Jacquet theory revisited: June 2014, BIRS.
- 论某类非分歧L函数: December 2013, Institute of Mathematics, AMSS/CAS.
- 线性代数群上的测度与算术概说: November 2013, Capital Normal University, Beijing.
- 亞辛群的穩定跡公式-橢圓部份: July 2013, the 6th ICCM, National Taiwan University, Taipei.
- On the elliptic part of the trace formula for \( \widetilde{\text{Sp}}(2n) \): June 2013, the Second PRIMA Congress, Shanghai Jiaotong University.
- 浅谈叶状结构与算术: November 2012, on the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics, AMSS/CAS.
- A user's guide to the trace formula for covering groups: July 2012, PANT (IISER Pune)
- Towards a stable trace formula for metaplectic groups and its applications : June 2011, BIRS.
- Transcending endoscopy : July 2009, TIMS.
- R. P. Langlands, 源于青年之梦的若干当代问题 (Some contemporary problems with origins in the Jugendtraum). In: 《Langlands 纲领和他的数学世界》 (Langlands' program and his mathematical world), translated by King Fai Lai et al. Published by Higher Education Press (2018), ISBN: 9787040499292.
- Some hints to the exercises in А. И. Кострикин, Введение в алгебру. Часть 3. Основные структуры (in Chinese). By-product of a course at UCAS.